Is Olga Zajac still alive or dead?
Olga Zajac is a hair salon owner who was a victim of a robbery in her salon shop. According to the reports, the robber in question is a Russian man who rather ended up being the victim after the salon owner Olga Zajac, overpowered him, and tied him up. Olga Zajac is known to be a karate black belt professional fighter who has practiced the act of karate before relieving herself of it to become a salon owner today.
With her experience, Olga Zajac took a stance to disarm and restrain the robber who was identified by the name Viktor Jasinski. The salon which is located in Meshovsk, was the very first time Viktor attempted to robe it, as he was noted for other robbery cases that were aligned with him. After Olga Zajac secured him the reports indicate that she took advantage of the robber and had sex with him.
Is Olga Zajac still alive or dead?
Olga Zajac is still alive and well. The attempt to rob the Salon owner in Meshchovsk failed as she secured the robber and restrained him.