
I Do Not Have Herpes!

Rihanna is not pleased with celebrity gossip sites insinuating that a nasty disease was the reason ex-boyfriend Chris Brown smashed her face to a pulp last year.

In an interview with GQ, she addressed rumors that Brown lashed out at her after spotting a cold sore on her lip – a common sign of the STD known as herpes.

Now dating Matt Kemp, Rihanna wants the record set straight, noting that the alleged cold sore is actually just a facial scar she has had for most of her life.

“It’s not true,” she said of the herpes rumor, and her tone was far from light-hearted. “It’s just a f**king scar. On my lip. That’s there every day of my life.”

Well that settles that. Not that you can even see it …

Rihanna has set the record straight. She does not, nor did she ever have herpes. She does, however, have kind of a dude’s haircut. [Photo: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com]


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-07-24