Who is Gorlock The Destroyer? Everything about viral trans woman TikToker
Ali C. Lopez is a popular TikToker and blogger who goes by the alias "Gorlock The Destroyer" on the internet. The content creator's popularity skyrocketed earlier this year after she appeared as a guest on the 69th episode of the Whatever podcast, titled Gorlock The Destroyer! RAGEQUIT KEEKO vs. CHASE! Round 2!" FIGHT! | Dating Talk #69.
Almost immediately following the episode, social media platforms such as X (formerly Twitter) and Reddit exploded with memes. On April 26, 2023, X user @RichardRatBoy1 tweeted the following, which has since received over 14.5 million views and 149,000 likes.
They wrote:
"Been enjoying this podcast. Great takes from: Ashley, Rachel, Gorlock the Destroyer, (and) Tiffany."Exploring Ali C. Lopez, aka Gorlock The Destroyer's online fame: Clips that made her famous
As mentioned earlier, Ali C. Lopez's fame can be traced back to the 69th episode of the Dating Talk podcast on Whatever's official YouTube channel. A segment from the talk show has received over a million views, during which the TikTok star rated herself as "ten out of ten."
Here's what she said:
"(Podcast host says, 'Ask everyone to rate themselves on a scale of one to ten') A fat f**king ten! I'm just saying what I'm just going to say. But yeah. (Podcast host responds, 'Is there a comma somewhere in that statement?') Honestly, I don't know. I said what I said, and I meant what I said."Gorlock The Destroyer has collaborated with some of the biggest names in the livestreaming industry following her meteoric rise to fame. She appeared as a guest on Kick ambassador Adin Ross' channel in May 2023, alongside Nico "Sneako" and Ragnesh "N3on." However, the livestream was not without controversy, as N3on went on an abusive rant against Ali C. Lopez.
The Indian-American personality remarked:
"I genuinely hope someone comes to your house and shoots you in the f**king head. You f**king hippo! Let me finish! I don't give a f**k about this fat b**ch! How do you wake up like that?! How do you not kill yourself?! Please tell me! Please f**king tell me! How do you not want to kill yourself? You're fat, obese. Somebody needs to f**king stone you, b**ch!"Ali C. Lopez recently collaborated with NELK Boys' Steve "SteveWillDoIt," who surprised her with a pink Land Rover Range Rover. In a tweet captioned, "I Made Gorlock A Queen," the TikToker joyfully exclaimed at the gesture by saying:
"This is so f**king p*mp! This is f**king crazy! See, this is f**king crazy! I love it, are you kidding?"How has the internet reacted to Gorlock The Destroyer?
Ali C. Lopez has trended on the Elon Musk-owned social media platform several times this year. Some of the viral posts featuring the content creator were along these lines:
In addition to TikTok, Ali C. Lopez has a sizeable following on Instagram, where she boasts over 59.1k followers.
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